Office drone flight path and ceiling recharge point
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Indoor Robotics

Indoor Robotics combines the advantages of innovative technology and human mobility to provide an AI operated inspection system of the highest standard. The company developed the first of its kind autonomous indoor drone fleet for monitoring and security purposes in indoor spaces. The company's flagship product, Tando™, is intended for use in offices, data centres, warehouses, and commercial areas. Powered by artificial intelligence, the drone features a 360-degree camera, heat sensors, motion sensors, and leak sensors that alert in case of intrusion, fire, change in temperature, and leaks. Tando™ is installed on the ceiling using its Tile™ magnetic docking station, disconnects from it when needed and floats in a building to monitor and identify unusual events.

Indoor Robotics is the first company to commercially install fully autonomous indoor drone fleets that offer security, safety and maintenance inspection in buildings, data centres, warehouses, and retail spaces in USA, Canada and Israel. The company's focus is staying innovative, providing value to our customers is one of our top priorities, which is why Tando™ is designed to be future-proof.